Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Blog About a Blog

So I am so sorry about having not blogged lately. I plan to catch up so here I go.

One of my favorite blogs is " A Beach Cottage" it is run by Sarah Sydney.

She lives in Australia and her blog is about how her and her husband have re-modeled a home they bought in creative ways. The blog started in 2008 when they first bought there home and is still running strong.

Sarah loves finding vintage furniture and accessories, painting them white and creating a look of "old beach house ambiance with a fresh new feel". In her inspiring blog, Sarah documents her house renovation and her other life adventures living by the beaches of Sydney. This is why I love her blog, because it is inspiring and fresh.

I do not think I would change anything about the blog. The layout is pretty, and the blog is simple and inspiring. It is completley my style, that is why I fell in love with it. Let me know if this is your style too. :)

By: Emma Colling (Single post)

1 comment:

  1. Good start Emma! Is this my style too you ask??!! This isn't really my style. I really like the look of it but I've got too much colour going on to pull off this look myself. I travel a lot and I have lots of colourful ethnic stuff mixed with tons of photographs and modern clean line furniture. I'm less girlie and more colourful but I like to keep things simple and clean too.

    Is this your style??!! What do you do different than Sarah?
