Sunday, April 17, 2011

DIY: Bottle Decorations

I was searching through one of my favourite blogs "A Beach Cottage" and came across this super cute idea for a quick easy decoration idea.
 The blogger says she had seen the idea at a local boutique and thought it was lovely so she would give it a shot.
What you want to do is first have string, drawing pins, any type of bottles ( I prefer vintage), and any flowers of your choice. All you need to do is tie the bottles tightly around the neck with the string, use the drawing pin to pin it to the ceiling, and stick your flowers into the bottles the end result looks like this...
Quiet beautiful and quirky isn't it?

By: Emma Colling

1 comment:

  1. Very cool! I might try this at home! I just made new curtains for my living room window and these would look sweet haning in the window... Might be hard to maintain though. I wonder how often you'd have to 'refresh' the flowers??

    To beef up this post a bit you could add pictures of jars you could use... Do a google image search for 'jars' and see what you find. Give readers a little more information before hitting that post button.
