Sunday, April 17, 2011

DIY: Bottle Decorations

I was searching through one of my favourite blogs "A Beach Cottage" and came across this super cute idea for a quick easy decoration idea.
 The blogger says she had seen the idea at a local boutique and thought it was lovely so she would give it a shot.
What you want to do is first have string, drawing pins, any type of bottles ( I prefer vintage), and any flowers of your choice. All you need to do is tie the bottles tightly around the neck with the string, use the drawing pin to pin it to the ceiling, and stick your flowers into the bottles the end result looks like this...
Quiet beautiful and quirky isn't it?

By: Emma Colling

The Great Outdoors

I recently found some really great pictures of outdoor spaces that I wanted to post. Outdoor spaces have always been a favorite of mine. They are so interesting and can really change the mood of any type of room.

The picture above is of a smaller, more simple outdoor space. This particular modern and clean cut design is not my favorite but I do like the idea of the design. The contrast between the plants, the woven furniture and the textured wood flooring to the sharp edges and colors like grey, black and white as well as the small accent of blue keep things looking very interesting.
In this design the room is built into the outdoors not on it. I love that it works with the surrounding small hedges and the vines that work their way up the back wall. The cabinets, furniture and wall panels are a very rich light brown that brings a very warm and comfortable feeling to the space as do the lights around the floor.
The picture above is my personal favorite. The hard charcoal colors in the fireplace against the light floor and the beautiful wooden furniture, the white cushions and the slight touch of pale green, the woven accents and of course the surrounding environment of trees and lots of plants give the room a really great mood. The outdoor style brings a look that is serine, comfortable, relaxing and very appealing that I absolutely love. 
-          Juliana    (jubejube) ;)

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Outside Awareness

Well lately it has been rain, rain, and more rain/ dreary weather out in Vancouver. Personally I prefer the sun, so I thought I'd do a blog about outdoor pools just to look at pictures when it is sunny. :)

Wow this pool above is amazing. I love all the details. My favourite thing about this pool area is the lounge chairs area. Can you imagine just taking a swim and just swimming up to your seat wen you want to rest? Pure paradise.
The infinity pool. Isn't it gorgeous? I love this pool as the seating area is pretty, and there is a lot of room, but mostly because of the way the pool almost is connected with the ocean.
Okay, I know there are two infinity pools for this post, but come on. I couldn't not have this one above. It is stunning! It basically is the ocean. I would love, just LOVE to be able to sit there on those two chairs.

Overall the thing I enjoy most about outdoor pools is when you can see yourself sitting there and relaxing. Extravagancy is nice, but simplistic beauty in my opinion i even better.

-Emma Colling

Modern Look

Alright, so I decided to talk about the whole modernized sparse look. I don't know exactly what you would call it, but I think "minimalism" sums it up perfectly. I don't really know what to think of this look. It's beautiful, and new, and really clean, but I don't think I like it a lot. To me the look has no warmth. I'd almost be afraid to sit in a room like this, as for fear of making any little mark or mess. I know it is one of the biggest trends in interior design at the moment but it's just not a style that I enjoy.
What do you think?

-Emma Colling

Monday, April 4, 2011


A lot of people when they think of white think of plain or boring, but white can really be beautiful when used in the right way. I am in love with the "all" white trend. I think it is relaxing, clean, simple, and perfect. Recently I re-did my room in all white, and I love it. The style really is one that I agree with and will probably always use.

This picture above is such a cute space. It uses just the right amount of pastel colours to not take away from the all white look. 

This look above is definitely my style. This is one of my favourite pictures. I am in love with the whole country chic look. I like how there is not a lot of colour but the browns are used to still add a bit of contrast.

I picked this last image because it is different from the other images. Its simple, but it isn't boring to me. Actually this image a couple of years ago was what inspired me to make my room all white. It is truly beautiful.

Overall the all white look really works when it has accents. Whether the accents are bright and contrasting, or a neutral like white, they really add a special something to the rooms. This is a look that I will always, always, always love.

By: Emma Colling