Sunday, June 12, 2011


I chose to compare and contrast work lamps for office spaces. They are one of the many necessities needed to complete a office.

 This light is very simple and could match with a lot of different office spaces. It is around $30 and is my favorite. I like the look as it is very cute in its simplicity. A con could be that not as much light would be given as the opening is more narrow then the other 3 lamps.

 This lamp is around $60, in my opinion it is a bit more sophisticated then the other lamp. I would say this lamp would be for more of a middle aged person where as the other one is aimed towards a younger audience.... especially with the price range.

This lamp is $50. This lamp would be used in an elegant office, this one is my favorite out of the three. The only problem is it is not as mobile as the other two.

By: Emma Colling (single post)

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