Saturday, June 18, 2011

Staircases (free friday)

This blog is tribute to all the awesome designs and cool things you can do with stair cases.
the floating staircase is a very trendy modern design. I see them all the time in new, very urban styled, houses. Personally I wouldn’t want to use the look in my own home but I still think they bring a really interesting feel and look really cool.

This is a beautiful example of a classical look that I really love. The contrast between the light walls and dark wood of the staircase really make it pop as a highlighting feature of this entrance area.

These are perfect examples of “thinking outside the box” ideas for something as simple as a staircase. In small homes where something like grand staircase isn’t really an option; people can get very creative with space sustainability through design which always keeps things very interesting.

By Juliana McLean

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